Patent Cost Calculator
Below you can easily calculate the total costs for preparing and submitting a patent application. Whatever choice you make, we guarantee that the patent application meets the high standards of the Association of Patent Attorneys. You will find a more detailed explanation in our article "Why fixed rates?" Select the desired options and see below what the total amount excluding VAT will be. The various costs are explained in more detail on the page 'Costs for a patent'.
Advice and monitoring
€1400 for advising on the official novelty research report from the patent-granting authority, typically received approximately 6 to 9 months after filing. Additionally, we will include your invention in our monitoring system from that point onwards, providing periodic reports on patent applications published after the filing date. This keeps you informed about your competition's activities in patent protection. The monitoring service is free for the first year. One year after the patent application filing date, this monitoring will automatically renew annually at a cost of EUR 495 per year.