Trademark Rates
Your company, product or service is provided with a name and logo. We call these things a brand. A brand ensures recognisability, distinctiveness and represents a monetary value. It is therefore wise to protect your brand. If you don’t, there is a chance that other organizations will market similar products. You simply protect a brand name by registering it.
Trademark registration Benelux, Europe and international
Before registering your trademark, it is important to determine where the trademark should be protected. It is important to make a trade-off between European or international protection. Many of our customers opt for protection in the Benelux or European protection. We are happy to help you make the right choice.
Trademark Rates
There are of course costs associated with registering a trademark. The costs of registering a trademark vary enormously and depend on where you register the trademark, through which application and the legal advice. Many of our customers choose to start with protection in the Benelux or in the European Union.
The costs of a Benelux trademark right start at EUR 595 ex. VAT for trademark protection in one product class. The costs for a European brand start at EUR 1395 ex. VAT for brand protection in 1 product class. Your trademark is thus protected in all countries of the European Union. We are happy to work with you to find the right protection for your brand name.
Register an international brand name
Do you want to sell your product or service internationally? Then it is useful to register your brand name internationally. This can be done, for example, via a so-called International trademark registration based on the Madrid Treaty or the Madrid Protocol. In contrast to the application for an EU trademark, when you register your trademark internationally, you go through a separate application per country. If your application is refused in one country, this does not immediately apply to the other countries.
The costs for registering your trademark internationally depend on the countries where you want to register it. You have the choice to apply for protection through the International trademark registration, then you can do so in more than 110 member countries or in a number of these countries. In addition, you can of course also apply for rights in countries that are not members of the Madrid Convention or the Madrid Protocol. Then a separate national application will have to be started per country.
Want to know more?
Would you like to register your trademark or would you like advice on the costs of registering a trademark? We like to help you! Therefore contact us without obligation.
Contact us without any obligation
Trademark attorneys

Frank Bouman
Trademark and Design Attorney
Wiepie van den Berg
Trademark and Design Attorney
Henk-Jan Vazquez
Trademark and Design Attorney
Pim Attema
Trademark and Design Attorney
Thimo Niemantsverdriet
Trademark and Design AttorneyALWAYS PROTECTED WITHIN A DAY